Los futuros riders trabajan las habilidades y las competencias físicas necesarias para disfrutar del wakeboard de la mano de nuestros monitores titulados especialistas en deportes acuáticos.
Desde OCP organizamos diferentes WAKE CAMPs a lo largo del año con grupos reducidos (máx. 12 alumnos) y dos niveles de experiencia: principiante o intermedio.


Their first steps on the wakeboard will be an experience they will enjoy so much. Our WAKE SCHOOL is developed in a learning plan which combines theorical and practical lessons.
The future riders will prepair their body in and out of the water doing specific trainings with our professional coaches experts in water sports.
Here at OCP we organize several WAKE SCHOOL programs during the year with reduced groups of (max 12 kids) which are separeted by their riding level : beginner or intermediate.