Personal data protection policy
In order to comply with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data, and following the Recommendations and Instructions issued by the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD), IT IS INFORMED:
- The personal data requested and provided by you, are incorporated into a privately owned file whose responsible and sole recipient is H2O CABLE ESPORTS, SL.
- Only those data strictly necessary to adequately provide the requested services will be requested, and it may be necessary to collect contact data from third parties, such as legal representatives, guardians, or persons in charge designated by them.
- All the data collected has the commitment of confidentiality, with the security measures established by law, and under no circumstances are they transferred or processed by third parties, physical or legal, without the prior consent of the client, guardian or legal representative, except in those cases in which it is essential for the correct provision of the service.
- Once the relationship between the company and the client is finished, the data will be archived and kept, for a minimum period of 5 years after which it will continue to be archived or, failing that, they will be returned in full to the client or legal authority.
- The data that I provide will be included in the Treatment called Clients of H2O CABLE ESPORTS, SL., With the purpose of managing the contracted service, issuance of invoices, contact, all procedures related to clients and I express my consent. I have also been informed of the possibility of exercising the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, indicating it in writing to H2O CABLE ESPORTS, SL
- To the email adress info@olimpic-cablepark.com
- Postal mail to H2O CABLE ESPORTS SL, Avenida del Canal Olimpic, 2 08860 Castelldefels.
- Visiting H2O CABLE ESPORTS SL, Avenida del Canal Olimpic, 2 08860 Castelldefels, Barcelona.
- The personal data are transferred by H2O CABLE ESPORTS SL to the entities that provide services to it.
As a condition of receiving authorization to participate in any activity organized by the Olimpic Cable Park (hereinafter the OCP), you agree that the OCP will not be in any way responsible for any accident that you suffer (or suffer). You agree to hold the OCP, its partners, workers and other users harmless against any claim, damage, loss or demand derived directly or indirectly from the practice of the activity organized by the OCP and in which you voluntarily want to participate, assuming by the mere fact to register or participate in the activity, which due to its characteristics, is not exempt from certain risk. Las exenciones de este párrafo no se aplican a incidentes donde se demuestre mala intención o intencionalidad de una persona natural en particular.
You must apply the same precautions as the rest of the users and undertake to follow with all diligence the instructions of the person in charge of the practice or monitors, which are necessary for the development of the different activities in perfect safety conditions. El OCP NO se hace responsable de la pérdida o extravío de objetos de valor dentro de sus instalaciones o durante el desarrollo de una actividad.
Se le permitirá participar, una vez que se evalúe su capacidad para desarrollar la actividad particular, sin que suponga un menoscabo o peligro para otros usuarios y/o para su persona. Requiriéndose inscripción previa en la actividad y haciendo frente al pago de ésta.
Aceptando estas condiciones, exonero de toda responsabilidad al OCP y a cualquiera de sus integrantes por los daños y perjuicios que pudiera sufrir en la práctica de cualesquiera de las actividades programadas por el citado OCP, así como al responsable de la actividad y me comprometo a cubrir los daños que pueda ocasionar a terceros y la responsabilidad civil derivada de ellos.
Execión de responsabilidad de menores
Aceptando estas condiciones el tutor legal del menor autoriza asistir por su propia voluntad a la actividad que organiza el OLIMPIC CABLE PARK y exime a la citada empresa y a los miembros u órganos directivos que lo componen de toda responsabilidad por daños corporales derivados de accidente o enfermedad que pudieran ocurrirle en el transcurso de dicha actividad, asumiendo, por el mero hecho de inscribirse en la actividad, que debido a sus características no está exenta de cierto riesgo.
Del mismo modo el tutor declara bajo su responsabilidad que el menor de edad se encuentra en las condiciones psicofísicasadecuadas para la realización de la actividad en la que quiere participar. Así mismo, hará frente individualmente a las indemnizaciones que sean consecuencia de daños personales o materiales ocasionados a terceras personas u otros practicantes de la propia instalación con motivo de una acción u omisión imputable a su hijo/a, que además se obliga a reintegrar al O.C.P la totalidad de los importes que éste pudiera verse obligado a adelantar por la responsabilidad civil en que aquel incurra, no siendo trasladable en ningún caso esa responsabilidad al OLIMPIC CABLE PARK o a sus miembros como colectivo.
Finally, it undertakes to follow and ensure that the minor diligently follows the instructions of the monitors for the development of the activity in perfect safety conditions.